Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, '09!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone's day was wonderful whether you celebrate Christmas or not. I know several people who have been going through hard times, financially or through personal tragedies, and my wishes lies with them. The holiday season can be rough on all people even if nothing particularly bad has happened.
Guess what movie I just watched? I watched Julie and Julia, the movie about a woman named Julie who cooks every Julia Child recipe in a year. It is a true story, as much as movies ever are, and it was brilliant. The actors performed amazingly, and it was a charming movie and I loved it! It isn't on par with, say, Harry Potter, but who am I to judge. My mother received it as a gift this year, because for once she did not want any cook books! It seems as though we always buy my mom cook books. But the times, they are a-changing, or something.
Well, I am pretty stoked. My family is amazing, when we aren't fighting, and we managed to get along this year. My grandparents recently moved into a nursing home, but they spent this Christmas day with us. I have prezzies!! Hooray! I may have *ahem* helped pick some of them out for myself, which in a way does not bother me. It is strange though, when you first shop with other people for yourself. It makes me feel... Nostalgic? I do not know. But the presents I do pick out still manage to surprise me when I open them, maybe just because my childhood-like innocence will not let me become jaded. Today was nice.
Forgive me if I seem rude, but, the pope was tackled! Oh, my goodness! The people in the Catholic community probably did not find it nearly as hilarious as I did, although I suppose I am immature. The good thing is that he was not hurt. Some other elderly man with some important position did break a hip, however, so I hope he is doing all right.
I feel as though I have a lot to say, but I will spare you the boring-ness of reading a ton of stuff you do not care about. I just have some odd friends, you know? And I always feel like the town I live in is just weird.
Merry Christmas!

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