Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Break, Finally

I have not written in what, a week? Well anyways, it is finally Winter Break! I'm so happy. Just to clear everything up, I was failing my computer class, but I brought my grade up pretty well. Of course, the best I am really hoping for is perhaps a C+? I would be amazed if I got higher, and infinitely grateful as well.
I finished 1984! I do not want to spoil it for anyone so I can't say anything about the ending though. Let it suffice that it is an amazing book, and an amazingly depressing one as well.
Today, the weather was awful, but my dad obliged and drove me to take a test so I could get my learner's permit. I can legally drive as long as someone over the age of twenty-one is with me!
I have been having major sleep problems this past week and a half or so. My personal problems have all been fixed, so much as problems can be, so I do not know what is keeping me up. I hope this break will let me sleep. Merry Christmas, or happy holidays!

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