Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Equally As Unread Second Post

Oh, my gosh. I know I should have read this book earlier, but I've just started 1984 (by George Orwell, for those who are as clueless as I am. Of course, George Orwell is just a pseudonym of Eric Blair). It's like all of my fears materializing in print form only to take shape in my terrified imagination. It's horrifying, the concept of losing freedom, having everything monitored by the government, all of your communications snooped on... Oh, wait. Nevermind.
This won't come as news to a lot of people, but The Decemberists are an amazing band. But, hey, if we're going to start talking music, I'll never pass up a chance to mention that System of a Down is ultimate win-sauce when it comes to bands. I must warn you that The Decemberists would probably appeal to more people, though. I've never understood why people don't like metal.
I'd like to pretend that this blog could perchance let on some deep understanding of the universe to everyone, but unfortunately my deepest thought during the day generally runs along the lines of "OH-EHM-GEE, that guy, his hair is ah-DORABLE! And, eeek! He's looking at me!" Because, you know, that's obviously all teenage girls ever think about. Although I do actually know a guy whose hair gives me a similar reaction, but nevertheless! I will spare you my ogling details.

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