Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

So, I just came back from an amazing snowboarding trip in Colorado. I'm actually a better skier, but I am competent at snowboarding. It was super fun! I love Colorado so much.
Christmas was great, but New Year's Eve? Not so much. You will notice I'm writing this instead of having fun. I guess I am not the only one, but I'm still in a bad mood. The sad thing is? I had plans, but I suppose my parents will not let me out of the house. Let's hope New Year's Eve does not foreshadow the New Year! That would, to put it simply, suck a lot.
I hope everyone out there is celebrating! I'll just be drinking strawberry Crush and counting down to midnight. Don't drink too much, or you'll end up celebrating National Hangover Day tomorrow!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, '09!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone's day was wonderful whether you celebrate Christmas or not. I know several people who have been going through hard times, financially or through personal tragedies, and my wishes lies with them. The holiday season can be rough on all people even if nothing particularly bad has happened.
Guess what movie I just watched? I watched Julie and Julia, the movie about a woman named Julie who cooks every Julia Child recipe in a year. It is a true story, as much as movies ever are, and it was brilliant. The actors performed amazingly, and it was a charming movie and I loved it! It isn't on par with, say, Harry Potter, but who am I to judge. My mother received it as a gift this year, because for once she did not want any cook books! It seems as though we always buy my mom cook books. But the times, they are a-changing, or something.
Well, I am pretty stoked. My family is amazing, when we aren't fighting, and we managed to get along this year. My grandparents recently moved into a nursing home, but they spent this Christmas day with us. I have prezzies!! Hooray! I may have *ahem* helped pick some of them out for myself, which in a way does not bother me. It is strange though, when you first shop with other people for yourself. It makes me feel... Nostalgic? I do not know. But the presents I do pick out still manage to surprise me when I open them, maybe just because my childhood-like innocence will not let me become jaded. Today was nice.
Forgive me if I seem rude, but, the pope was tackled! Oh, my goodness! The people in the Catholic community probably did not find it nearly as hilarious as I did, although I suppose I am immature. The good thing is that he was not hurt. Some other elderly man with some important position did break a hip, however, so I hope he is doing all right.
I feel as though I have a lot to say, but I will spare you the boring-ness of reading a ton of stuff you do not care about. I just have some odd friends, you know? And I always feel like the town I live in is just weird.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Break, Finally

I have not written in what, a week? Well anyways, it is finally Winter Break! I'm so happy. Just to clear everything up, I was failing my computer class, but I brought my grade up pretty well. Of course, the best I am really hoping for is perhaps a C+? I would be amazed if I got higher, and infinitely grateful as well.
I finished 1984! I do not want to spoil it for anyone so I can't say anything about the ending though. Let it suffice that it is an amazing book, and an amazingly depressing one as well.
Today, the weather was awful, but my dad obliged and drove me to take a test so I could get my learner's permit. I can legally drive as long as someone over the age of twenty-one is with me!
I have been having major sleep problems this past week and a half or so. My personal problems have all been fixed, so much as problems can be, so I do not know what is keeping me up. I hope this break will let me sleep. Merry Christmas, or happy holidays!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Word Overuse

First of all, please let me apologize for the extreme overuse of the word "student" in my previous post. It bothers me enough that I would go back and edit it, but... Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen.
I would have posted more recently, except that I have had some unfortunate personal developments. That is just nerd-girl speak for saying I messed up. I hate when something goes wrong and I absolutely know that it is all my fault. It is even worse when several things happen at once that you directly caused. I guess everyone is bound to mess up, I just wish I would be exempt from such foibles. I honestly do not care if someone else messes up, even if it directly affects me, because for some sick reason I feel better knowing it is not my fault. But no, this time I can only blame myself. *Sighs dramatically*
Anyways, if I wanted to subject people to my whining, I would have made a LiveJournal. Did you know that if you slam your hand into a locker hard enough, you can shatter rings that you are wearing? For the longest time I couldn't figure out what my ring was made of, but it seems to be plastic. The ring was pretty sturdy, until I, you know, slammed it against a locker and had it explode in my face.
So, despite my marked aptitude for not doing anything in school and having rather high grades, I was informed by my Computer Applications teacher that I'm in danger of perhaps failing that class. I will admit, I am not always amazing when it comes to technology, but I am fairly competent. The only probable reason I can find for me failing is that I'm bored out of my mind, quite possibly to the point of hallucination, and am therefore a little distracted during that class. This, however, may just be projection on my part. The point is, though, that I need to go to school early tomorrow.
Goodnight, and don't go slamming your hands into lockers!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Disrespectful Teachers

One of my biggest pet peeves is when teachers treat students badly. Because I have a reputation as a good student, teachers generally do not disrespect me, or even usually get me in trouble. I can understand when a student is outright rude to a teacher the teacher should obviously reprimand them. What I don't understand is how a teacher can justify making snide comments about a student, especially when they don't know the student's situation. I see this happening so often and it really disappoints me. You often hear teachers saying, "You need to give respect to get respect." I do not know if they think this only applies one way, or what? There is absolutely no excuse for a teacher to degrade and demean their students. I have lost respect for so many teachers because of the way they treat certain students.
If you are a teacher, just because a student has a bad reputation and is missing a lot of school, you shouldn't automatically assume they are up to mischief. A lot of times, teachers have no idea what is going on in a particular student's life. Disrespecting a student even once will often influence that student forever, and will permanently leave them with an antipathy towards a class or school in general. I used to enjoy school, at least most days, but I've seen the way different adults treat some of the kids, and I cannot stand it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too Much Reading

Apparently, in school we're starting to read Animal Farm. I learned this right after I picked up 1984, and I was just like, really? Because as much as reading is good and blah blah blah I wasn't expecting two books by George Orwell for me to read. I was hoping I could get further with 1984 over this weekend, but I don't see it happening.
I would write more, but I'm still incredibly tired from waking up early/not sleeping yesterday.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Band Nerds For the Win!

I went to District Honor Band today. I play the French horn (you know we're the best), and I was third chair. It was pretty amazing, and for our last song we played Over the Rainbow and the choir sang with us. The whole thing was incredible.
Unfortunately, I had to get up at 4:15, and I didn't get home from a basketball game until midnight. You might wonder why I would stay at a basketball game so late if I had to get up early, but against all odds, I'm actually in basketball. Sleep-deprivation causes strange things. Not to mention that I never fell asleep, and was just in a semi-conscious state for about four hours.
I just realized that I didn't have too much to say really. But if you have a chance to play an instrument, try it out. I do believe that music, whether you play it or just listen to really good music, makes you a better person. Or, if it doesn't make you a better person, at least it gives you something worthwhile to talk about.
Check out today's comic at; I'm sure everyone has thought about that. Volvo really should have thought through their name a little more thoroughly.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Equally As Unread Second Post

Oh, my gosh. I know I should have read this book earlier, but I've just started 1984 (by George Orwell, for those who are as clueless as I am. Of course, George Orwell is just a pseudonym of Eric Blair). It's like all of my fears materializing in print form only to take shape in my terrified imagination. It's horrifying, the concept of losing freedom, having everything monitored by the government, all of your communications snooped on... Oh, wait. Nevermind.
This won't come as news to a lot of people, but The Decemberists are an amazing band. But, hey, if we're going to start talking music, I'll never pass up a chance to mention that System of a Down is ultimate win-sauce when it comes to bands. I must warn you that The Decemberists would probably appeal to more people, though. I've never understood why people don't like metal.
I'd like to pretend that this blog could perchance let on some deep understanding of the universe to everyone, but unfortunately my deepest thought during the day generally runs along the lines of "OH-EHM-GEE, that guy, his hair is ah-DORABLE! And, eeek! He's looking at me!" Because, you know, that's obviously all teenage girls ever think about. Although I do actually know a guy whose hair gives me a similar reaction, but nevertheless! I will spare you my ogling details.

The Unread First Post

Everyone knows that no one reads the first post. I suppose it doesn't matter much what I put here, then, but the post must be made.
Oh! Yesterday I learned some cool stuff about the differences in gender when it comes to communicating. Girls typically try to talk about outside things or emotions to make connections and ensure a place in the social ladder, whereas guys tend to talk about the facts and what the have to done to secure their social status. It's rapport versus report; girls go for the emotional rapport and guys go for the facts report. It isn't as though either gender is better at communicating, we just do it differently (insert your mom joke here).
If you're the type of person who reads webcomics, I suggest xkcd and Questionable Content. They're my favorites, so far. Actually, even if you don't read webcomics, you should check them out anyways, they're pretty funny.
In slightly tragic news, I lost one of the batteries for my Gameboy Color. I've found out that my school doesn't take kindly to cell phones, much less handheld video game devices, so I will have to wait until home to find a new battery.
Let's hope I don't let this blog die like so many others!