Sunday, October 9, 2011


School has started and it makes me awfully sad. :( It seems like there's no time for anything productive anymore! Please enjoy some pictures I had floating around on my desktop.

I don't remember where I found them, sorry! The first one is my favorite, because it's so floaty and ethereal. The other two are just pretty and I kind of wish I had a reason to wear them somewhere.
I haven't posted in ages, but I'm hoping to start again.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You Part the Waters

Here are the not-terribly-blurry pictures from the stellar clothes at the museum I visited in Wisconsin. I can't promise that the quality is perfect, as it was very dimly lit except right on the displays behind the glass panels, but here it is!

This last little picture was actually taken at the "general store" at the museum but I liked it an awful lot.
I realize this post isn't that interesting unless you like looking at blurry pics of old clothes. But I thought I'd share anyways. :) Anyways, Meghan and I had tea a while back while wearing ridiculous clothes. I didn't get a picture then, but I'll recreate it because it was pretty nice.
More sometime later!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pretty Much Everything Is Awesome

Wisconsin is awesome. Canada is awesome. Life is awesome. Most imp
ortantly, I'M awesome (as if you needed told).
Let me force you to look at some pictures of why I love Wisconsin. I even love it more than Canada, although I wasn't in Canada for long, so I can't really judge.

Firstly, there are the cheese houses. I love cheese, and Wisconsin undoubtedly has the best cheeses in the U.S. I went to one other cheese house, but I couldn't find the picture.

We also went to the local museum that my uncle, in whose house my parents and I were staying, volunteers. I thought it would be something like my town's museum, which is nice and interesting and your average local museum... And I was so wrong. There were dozens of buildings, all well-put together, well-displayed, and had incredible pieces with in-depth descriptions. It was amazing! I took pictures of everything, especially the old clothes. Maybe I'll make a post of some more of it sometime? But anyways it was awesome!
This is one of a whole bunch of cheesy sunset pictures I took. They're all vaguely pretty and cheesy, and not really that good. But I took them off the roof of my uncle's house, and being up there was one of the most relaxing parts of vacationing in Wisconsin. I always end up on the roofs of buildings, which is so weird since I'm terribly afraid of heights.

Also, Canada was intense and exciting in its own ways! I loved seeing the little maple leaf on the McDonald's arches, and hearing people say "eh". The real purpose of going up to Canada, though, was to collect amethysts. I collected the crap out of those minerals! Haha but no seriously I really did. At the first mine we went to, it started raining. I collected amethysts in the pouring Canadian rain. Don't even try to tell me that your life is as epic as mine.

Anywho, this vacation was actually a long time ago, I was just too lazy to update. Other things have happened since then! Exciting things! I finished sewing the dress I designed, and it looks amazing. I haven't worn it yet but I have a place to wear it to, and I'm happy. Also I suddenly became the owner of a boyfriend? Weird how that happens. It's something that never would have occurred if it hadn't been summer. He said he wanted to date me, and I decided I'd let him. However, I do actually like him, it wasn't TOTALLY random.

Just some closing thoughts... I'm not ready for school to start. At all. I adore summer. Also, this year I'm hoping to get good grades. I also wanna practice french horn and piano more, and get better at sleeping.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm Still Listening to Bluegrass

Today (technically yesterday, because, again, it's after midnight), I made my mom take me to the Bargain Box in our town so I could drop off clothes and such with her. However, I was really trying to 1. procrastinate working on that dress I'm designing/sewing and 2. see if there were any awesome clothes that old people have left behind for me to miraculously unearth. And I was successful!
I'll upload pictures later, sometime, hopefully, maybe. My favorites would have to be this pink.. Thing. It's like a blouse of some sort? I have no idea. It's indescribable, truly, but I'll attempt. It's pale pink with an embroidery texture thing going on, and it's slightly shiny and made out of some mystery synthetic materials. I honestly can't tell what decade it could have been from. My other favorite was an unassuming pale blue skirt that I picked up just because I like skirts. It's slightly stretchy and A LOT shorter than I thought it would be, but I super love it. Anywho, those were my favorites, but I got a couple of other things.
Also, in going there for selfish reasons, I also picked up a volunteer job! Which I'm actually kind of stoked about, since I don't have a real person job. Also, the library doesn't take volunteers. *sigh* But yeah, the lady said she'd call me if she needed help, and since she won't pay me I can take whatever clothes I like. Not gonna lie, this sounds like a pretty good deal for me.

I promise that I'll have something interesting to say later! And probably pictures! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Photo Barf Blehhh

So these are some of the pictures Meghan and I took of each other yesterday! Or rather, two days ago, since it's past midnight. I didn't upload any of the really bad ones, however, neither of us are particularly skilled with a camera. Sorry.

We were going for a "mystical good fairies playing in the gardens/basements of pretty places" and I'd say we sort of achieved it. However, I've worn the same outfit that my friend Meghan (with the red hair) is wearing to go places, minus the petticoat, so I guess it's not TOO fairy-ish.

Anywho, I don't have too much to say, because I'm super tired, so I'll wrap this up. All of the clothes are mine, and all of the pictures were taken at my house by either Meghan or me. I already credited my clothes in my last post, but I added some pink socks that I found in my room and some fake pearl necklaces from a secondhand store. Meghan's clothes - Dress: JC Penney's, sweater/cardigan thing: Vanity maybe? I'm not sure. Pearls (fake) and shoes: La-Dee-Da, petticoat: my mom made it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I Have Been Listening to Bluegrass for Three Days

I actually looked super cute today, so I thought I'd share. I didn't really have much to do today, or really anything to wear a dress for, so I made my own reason. My dear friend Meghan (and now my sister-in-law! woo!) came over, we wore pretty, mildly fairy-ish outfits and took pictures of each other. I'll upload some of those pics later, I'm too lazy right now.My face. The camera flash made everything look really shiny, but, like, in a good way. I guess? Haha

Those are my new favorite pair of boots, and OMG I wish you could see them in better detail. They are just so cool. Plus the chunky heel makes them pretty comfortable.I couldn't resist another picture of these beautiful shoes! (Also a wonderful picture of how messy my room is. If you have particularly good eyes, you'll notice a Yu-Gi-Oh card.) Everything about them should be kind of ugly, but it all comes together to make... this. And it's awesome. They remind me of like, some misguided girl wandering around small town rural America, asking a ruggedly handsome man on a motorcycle for a ride, and leaving home on a chopper to go to L.A. or something like that. Not that *cough cough* I would ever think of such things.

Seriously, though, I have a (very cute) guy friend who listens to bluegrass pretty much all the time. I really enjoy it whenever we listen to it, so being the awesome person that I am, I made a bluegrass radio station on my Pandora. Some of it is very cheesy and silly, but a lot of it is super cool. The violin playing is intense! It makes me wish that I still played it. Anywho, my favorite song by far is "Jolene" by Rhonda Vincent And The Rage. Mucho bueno.

Oh I suppose I'm supposed to say where I got my clothes now? Cardigan: Thrift/vintage store called La-Dee-Da; Dress: some other secondhand store; Tank top: Maurices; Tights: found them in my dresser.. Boots: La-Dee-Da

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Mom Swears in German

Today, I realized that I have approximately one week, starting today which is pretty much over, to design, cut, and sew a dress. Fortunately the dress I had in mind wasn't terribly complicated, although I've never designed a top that was so structured. Pictures woo!

It's not terribly complex, or anything, but you get the idea. It's a V-neck sleeveless sundress with a stuctured top and partially fitted A-line skirt. (Look at me using fancy words like I know what I'm talking about.)

I do all of my patterns on muslin first. (cough cough I totally didn't learn about that from watching Project Runway cough cough)

I promise I'm not actually licking it. It just totally looks like I am. Also, my face looks a bit weird, so ignore that part.

Anywho, let's hope I get that bad boy done pretty soon! So here's what's on my mind right now. There's this thing called Jerusalem Syndrome. It's where people go and visit Jerusalem and like, lose their marbles. They put on togas, babble in tongues, preach the gospel, pretend to be the Messiah and whatnot. It afflicts people of various religious backgrounds and cultures. To quote the Wikipedia (always a reliable source haha) article: "The Jerusalem syndrome is a group of mental phenomena involving the presence of either religiously themed obsessive ideas, delusions or other psychosis-like experiences that are triggered by a visit to the city of Jerusalem... a person who seems previously stable and devoid of any signs of pschyopathology becomes psychotic after arriving in Jerusalem."

Doesn't it make you wanna flip your lid?? Haha that was probably insensitive or something somehow.

Ok, so the article does go on to dispute the possible validity of Jerusalem syndrome being a specific mania particular only to Jerusalem, and the syndrome as a whole, but still. How whack is it that a city could cause such hysteria? If you're the curious type, I completely suggest perusing that Wikipedia article a bit.

P.s. My mom does swear in German sometimes. It's kind of funny, that's really the only German she knows.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I Know You Want to Look at My Feet

So, I was talking to my dad about some of the fashion blogs I read, and why I like them. I honestly have no idea why he was with me while I was reading fashion blogs, but anywho, we were talking, and he told me that I should do a fashion blog. I played it all cool, like, Oh yeah, pshh I guess I've never really thought about it except like all the time and I wish I could do that do you think I'd be able to I mean yeah that's a neat idea. But seriously. When your DAD says you should make a fashion blog, it makes you think.

Not that I would. I live in a rural Midwest town. Anything fashion-wise gets to my town about two years late. My dad, being the funny person that he is, suggested I call it "Fashion Isolation." It's fitting. But still, I dunno. I might edge towards fashion-y with nerdy tidbits and boy rantings at normal intervals.

Anywho, picture time! Just because. :)

Sorry for the funny curled-up toes. I wasn't really prepared for when the butterfly opened it's wings... So my toes were in this strange position.

These are the shoes that I love and that my mother hates. Honestly, they're a bit tacky, but still. Who doesn't love red patent-leather five inch heels with a platform? Oh, right, my mother. That's who.

You know I actually have a list of things I want to do this summer? I'm just that cool. Hopefully I get around to doing it! Everyone always has this idealized version of the summer, eating pizza with friends, cruising around late at night for no reason, sleeping in, going to the pool, getting tan, doing awesomely adventuresome things, that sort of stuff. You insist to your best friend that "This will be the best summer, I swear!" and you vow to make plans and do stuff and just cause trouble in general. You smile and have a pinky promise that you'll be super cool and epic this summer and meet a boy and blah blah blah. But basically, if you're me, you spend a lot of time doing stuff for your parents, working on geology related projects (I have stories for later), reading books, and all around not having opportunities to hang out because your friends are working or on vacation, or you're busy or out of town.

This is what summer looks like to me. :) I'm still hoping for bonfires and picnics with my friends, and summer camps crushing on boys.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Due to the fact that I have exactly zero readers (after how long have I been doing this?) I don't feel too guilty about not posting lately. However some major developments have ocurred, and since I wouldn't want you non-existant readers to feel left out, I'll update you.

1. One of my best friends started dating the guy I really liked.
2. I saw Les Miserables! Like, the Broadway performance. Oh, my goodness, it was seriously mind-blowing.
3. Summer has started! Lykk zomg lawlz!!1!
4. My brother Hunter got married!

Obviously, if these are the only important things in my life, I am sorely lacking in adventure and excitement. Which is true. I AM lacking in adventure and excitement. But it's only because I'm trying to behave myself and be a good kid, that sort of nonsense.
Now, if I ignored the whole Congressman Weiner scandal, I would be refusing an amazing opportunity. As such, I feel like I should enlighten you on all the terrible puns my family and I have come up with. The story about Weiner just keeps getting longer and longer! Longer and harder to believe. He might have to pull out of the public eye for a while. Do you think he'll have electile-dysfunction now? After all, the media was pretty hard on him.
That's all for now! (I truly am sorry about those inappopriate puns, it's just too hard to resist.)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Wish You Were My Math Book

I wish you were my math book so I could slam you down on the table and do you all night long. Haha! I've been on a nerdy pick up line kick for the last couple of months. I once had an entire mildly racy text conversation using only Pokemon moves. Yeah. That's how cool I am. The boy I was texting? Logan, of course!
It turns out he had a girlfriend. Had, of course... that word is in the past tense for a very good reason. Now, I can't claim that I was the one who caused the break-up, because I wasn't. His girlfriend broke up with him sort of arbitrarily, and I am the sweet friend who's there for him while he picks up the pieces of his shattered heart. (Don't begrudge me my melodramatic tendencies, I'm ill. I can do what I want.)
Anyways, enough crush ramblings. It's time to make a confession. Truly, honestly, in my very heart of very hearts, deep down in my soul, I've always wanted to have a fashion blog. Don't laugh! (I'm addressing imaginary readers here, but whatever.) Clothes aren't just clothes to me, it's like putting on a whole new personality when I get tired of my old one. It's like subtle social commentary for the highly observant. Clothes, style, and fashion all represents not just the individual but also society as a whole, whether or not you think you're rebelling against the current norm or instead, enforcing it. It all ends up as just part of a larger idea, the ideas that are permeating the general public and those who think themselves beyond the general public. Clothes are an art form for the aesthetically inclined, architecture for your body, sculptures that you can wear.
Unfortunately, I have little to no access to so-called "high fashion" except through the interwebz, I have poor technology skills and also very little patience for uploading photos, and a tendency to misplace my family's good digital camera.
On a different note, I've started reading Hemingway. I've started with "A Movable Feast" and I fully intend to read the rest of the books we've had collecting dust in our basement for quite some time. I notice that often when reading a particularly influential author's works, I find myself emulating their language and/or writing style slightly, so I apologize for any supernaturally long sentences. I'll get over it soon enough, I'm just very impressionable and I read too much. :P
But actually, I have science to back up that whole emulation of writing styles and whatnot. It turns out, people who have similar speaking styles and subconscious sentence structure tend to have better relationships. I'm not sure if they started out speaking similarly or if two people will speak more like the other person they're with over time, but the latter holds true even if they didn't have similar speech patterns in the beginning. The article I read about this went on to talk about how when a person gets into a book, the person will sometimes alter their speech or writing slightly to match the author's style. I wish I had a link to that article, but I don't, and I can't even remember on what website I read it. Anyways, I thought it was interesting!
A couple more nerdy inappropriate things: I wish I was your derivitave so I could lie tangent to your curves. Subdication leads to orogeny, let's go make the bedrock.
Oh, and speaking of pick-up lines and such, today an old man came up to me as my father and I were leaving the drugstore. He says to me, "So is this how blondes have more fun?" We live in a small town, so it's not entirely strange for an old person to start talking to me. I laugh in my desecrated sore throat type of way, and say "You bet!"
And as I was throwing away some trash he says, "I have one more question." "Yes?" "What do you call a pretty blonde girl?" I of course, don't know, and say as much. "You!" he replies enthusiastically. It made me smile.
I'm lazy and will possibly post pictures later!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Good Behaviour

This weekend, I went to a K-State band clinic. It was super awesome and amazing! And guess who was there? If you guessed Logan, the really cute guy I was talking to at State KMEA Honor Band tryouts, you would be right! And just to make it sound suggestive, we stayed at the same hotel. I invited him to my room. *GASP* OH MY hahaha just to hang out, and there were other people there. But still. We also snuck away and skipped the entire first concert since we didn't have to play until the last one. We went to Aggieville (basically the downtown part for college kids) and totally bought fake mustaches. We wore them walking all the way back to our concert venue place and it was, for lack of a better adjective, stellar.
Anywho, Logan is officially my new crush, for anyone who cares. And yes, that means I've actually broken up with my old boyfriend who I wasn't really allowed to see in the first place. It's surprisingly difficult... But it's ok, I suppose. We're still pretty close friends.
So I guess that's my big news. I have a picture of both of us in our mustaches but it's a very bad picture of me, so I probably won't post it. Also, I bought some mind-bogglingly wonderful heels, which I will definitely post pictures of soon.
Well, that's everything! I will leave you with some cheesy, nerdy, mildly inappropriate jokes: I'm like helicase, baby, I can unzip your jeans! I'll increase YOUR entropy, if you get my meaning. I've got a high specific heat, so once I get going, I'm hard to stop. (Now for the geologists...) I can fossilize YOUR wood *wink wink.* I'm a geologist, I make my own schedules! ...Or should I say, time periods?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad Romance

I realize that the last... About four posts have had songs as titles. It's ok, you can deal with another one. Actually I sort of happen to love Lady Gaga, like, intensely, and this song is stuck in my head, so it's perfect.
Today was a snow day! Woo! Which means I found time to post... Which, in retrospect, doesn't really matter, since no one reads my blog. *sigh.* However, lots of things have happened and I'm even taking the time to upload pictures! Hooray exciting woot!
So, recently I went to District KMEA Honor Band, and I was third chair French Horn. Since I'm a sophomore, I got to try out for State! We did that this last weekend. I was so nervous. Not to mention I think I'd died and gone to band nerd heaven filled with cute French Horn playing boys. Mmm. :) Heehee I adore cute band nerd boys. Oh, and one of my friends from band camp was there, along with her extraordinarily adorable brother. I got his number. I suppose I shouldn't really be hitting on boys, considering I'm still sort of with my boyfriend that I'm not allowed to see. Anywho, back onto the actual music part of this whole shindig... I was the tenth French Horn-ist to audition. I was freaking out because I was so soon, but actually, the line moved really slowly so it was perfect. When it was finally my turn in the audition room I was shaking so hard I could barely arrange my music. However, I didn't fail horribly and utterly, and I'm totally proud of myself. I don't actually think I'll make it in this year, but I suppose I'll find out on Wednesday!
Also, Forensics is starting up again. You know, competitive speech. It's another one of those nerd-tastic events that I thoroughly enjoy. I was going to do track this year too, but... I'm having terrible insomnia. There's a whole week in November that I pretty much can't remember due to sleep deprivation. And then I started hallucinating and at that point I finally fell asleep from exhaustion. Advil PM only works if I haven't taken it in a long time, and then I can only use it for about three nights until the normal dose doesn't work. I hate making excuses and such, but I really can't do sports without any sleep. I tried that my freshman year and I was miserable and passed out a lot and stuff. So yeah. Probably no track. But yay for speech!
Anywho, I finally have pictures I wanna post...

That would be Hunter (the father of that adorable baby who is also my nephew), Liam, and me, nom-ing on Liam's head.
This would also be Hunter, making his sassy face and posing for me. I did the hair braiding and added the little clippy just to make sure he was as cute as possible.

And also, some lovely insomnia related pictures, just out of boredom...

Ok, so there were going to be multiple images, but technology hates me. And also I guess I formatted this incorrectly but I think I'll fix it some other day (Hint: this means it will never be fixed).
But yeah, for all of you nonexistant readers of my blog who have insomnia, I feel your pain. This last picture is just from Google Images after typing in "why can't I sleep?" I enjoyed it. I guess I never made a New Year's post, either, so Happy New Year everyone!