Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad Romance

I realize that the last... About four posts have had songs as titles. It's ok, you can deal with another one. Actually I sort of happen to love Lady Gaga, like, intensely, and this song is stuck in my head, so it's perfect.
Today was a snow day! Woo! Which means I found time to post... Which, in retrospect, doesn't really matter, since no one reads my blog. *sigh.* However, lots of things have happened and I'm even taking the time to upload pictures! Hooray exciting woot!
So, recently I went to District KMEA Honor Band, and I was third chair French Horn. Since I'm a sophomore, I got to try out for State! We did that this last weekend. I was so nervous. Not to mention I think I'd died and gone to band nerd heaven filled with cute French Horn playing boys. Mmm. :) Heehee I adore cute band nerd boys. Oh, and one of my friends from band camp was there, along with her extraordinarily adorable brother. I got his number. I suppose I shouldn't really be hitting on boys, considering I'm still sort of with my boyfriend that I'm not allowed to see. Anywho, back onto the actual music part of this whole shindig... I was the tenth French Horn-ist to audition. I was freaking out because I was so soon, but actually, the line moved really slowly so it was perfect. When it was finally my turn in the audition room I was shaking so hard I could barely arrange my music. However, I didn't fail horribly and utterly, and I'm totally proud of myself. I don't actually think I'll make it in this year, but I suppose I'll find out on Wednesday!
Also, Forensics is starting up again. You know, competitive speech. It's another one of those nerd-tastic events that I thoroughly enjoy. I was going to do track this year too, but... I'm having terrible insomnia. There's a whole week in November that I pretty much can't remember due to sleep deprivation. And then I started hallucinating and at that point I finally fell asleep from exhaustion. Advil PM only works if I haven't taken it in a long time, and then I can only use it for about three nights until the normal dose doesn't work. I hate making excuses and such, but I really can't do sports without any sleep. I tried that my freshman year and I was miserable and passed out a lot and stuff. So yeah. Probably no track. But yay for speech!
Anywho, I finally have pictures I wanna post...

That would be Hunter (the father of that adorable baby who is also my nephew), Liam, and me, nom-ing on Liam's head.
This would also be Hunter, making his sassy face and posing for me. I did the hair braiding and added the little clippy just to make sure he was as cute as possible.

And also, some lovely insomnia related pictures, just out of boredom...

Ok, so there were going to be multiple images, but technology hates me. And also I guess I formatted this incorrectly but I think I'll fix it some other day (Hint: this means it will never be fixed).
But yeah, for all of you nonexistant readers of my blog who have insomnia, I feel your pain. This last picture is just from Google Images after typing in "why can't I sleep?" I enjoyed it. I guess I never made a New Year's post, either, so Happy New Year everyone!

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