Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm Still Listening to Bluegrass

Today (technically yesterday, because, again, it's after midnight), I made my mom take me to the Bargain Box in our town so I could drop off clothes and such with her. However, I was really trying to 1. procrastinate working on that dress I'm designing/sewing and 2. see if there were any awesome clothes that old people have left behind for me to miraculously unearth. And I was successful!
I'll upload pictures later, sometime, hopefully, maybe. My favorites would have to be this pink.. Thing. It's like a blouse of some sort? I have no idea. It's indescribable, truly, but I'll attempt. It's pale pink with an embroidery texture thing going on, and it's slightly shiny and made out of some mystery synthetic materials. I honestly can't tell what decade it could have been from. My other favorite was an unassuming pale blue skirt that I picked up just because I like skirts. It's slightly stretchy and A LOT shorter than I thought it would be, but I super love it. Anywho, those were my favorites, but I got a couple of other things.
Also, in going there for selfish reasons, I also picked up a volunteer job! Which I'm actually kind of stoked about, since I don't have a real person job. Also, the library doesn't take volunteers. *sigh* But yeah, the lady said she'd call me if she needed help, and since she won't pay me I can take whatever clothes I like. Not gonna lie, this sounds like a pretty good deal for me.

I promise that I'll have something interesting to say later! And probably pictures! :)

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