Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Photo Barf Blehhh

So these are some of the pictures Meghan and I took of each other yesterday! Or rather, two days ago, since it's past midnight. I didn't upload any of the really bad ones, however, neither of us are particularly skilled with a camera. Sorry.

We were going for a "mystical good fairies playing in the gardens/basements of pretty places" and I'd say we sort of achieved it. However, I've worn the same outfit that my friend Meghan (with the red hair) is wearing to go places, minus the petticoat, so I guess it's not TOO fairy-ish.

Anywho, I don't have too much to say, because I'm super tired, so I'll wrap this up. All of the clothes are mine, and all of the pictures were taken at my house by either Meghan or me. I already credited my clothes in my last post, but I added some pink socks that I found in my room and some fake pearl necklaces from a secondhand store. Meghan's clothes - Dress: JC Penney's, sweater/cardigan thing: Vanity maybe? I'm not sure. Pearls (fake) and shoes: La-Dee-Da, petticoat: my mom made it.

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