Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feelin' Groovy

So, about this boy that I like. I think he may like me back. But unfortunately, due to years of social ineptitude and a general inexperience in actual relationships, I have no idea how to judge these things. Also, I'm such a pansy that I refuse to ask him out. At least, not yet. Plus, it's only the second week of school. I don't wanna freak him out. He's pretty quiet and shy.

I have a mildy embarassing/cute story about him, actually. In spanish class, which is third hour, we had to stand in two lines and converse with the person across from us, and then the line would move down one person. It just so turned out that he was in the line across from me, so we were partners eventually. Anywho, once we got done with our Spanish speaking, I told him I liked his bracelet-y thingy. He said thanks, and I stepped forward to look at it and asked if it was stretchy, and he said yes, and I asked if I could try it on and he said no! I was a little taken aback, but I just sort of moved on anyways, talking to him and other people to make it seem like I wasn't disappointed.

This is where the story gets cute. We have Algebra II last hour together, and he, Darbi (a friend of mine), and I sit in the front row. My teacher told us to scootch close and work together, which made me pretty happy. I'm all hunched over my textbook because I have bad vision and I also was trying to figure out what the crap I was supposed to do, and I see the bracelet plopped onto my desk. I swear, my face like lights up and I'm all, "Ohhhhhhhhhh thank you!" Then I promptly slide it onto my wrist. Not wanting to be a creeper, I take it off and offer it back to him, but he shakes his head. So I get to keep it!

This post wasn't supposed to be entirely about my little crush but I think it might end up being that way. It's so strange, sometimes he acts all cutely shy and enamored and sometimes he doesn't. I forgot to wear the bracelet the day after he gave it to me, then the next day I wore it. That day I was in Spanish and I told the girl next to me that the assignment was kicking my butt. From a little ways away, he says, "If you sit by me, I'll help you," and then he gives me this little smile! Being a major girly-girl, I'm just like, "Ok!!!" :D :D Subtlety is not my strong point. But he is so shy I don't know if he realizes quite how into him I am. He gives me these looks and smiles and does these cute little things and then sometimes he doesn't. Whatever, it's not like I care (I do pretty much care).

THIS IS WEAR RANDOM CRUSH RAMBLING ENDS. I have been watching football. I spent my day today, which by the way is the only day I haven't had homework or some kind of lesson or both, watching football, and then I came home and I'm currently watching more football. But it's understandable, because the Packers are playing. I freaking love the Green Bay Packers. Plus they're even beating Indiana, wooo!

Here's a picture of me almost right after my hair was dyed. I'm the one with the purple-ish hair and the red glittery lips. My friend is Meghan, and she's practically my sister. She's my brother's girlfriend's younger sister.

Pretty awesome huh? The picture is slightly blurry, but not bad. And yes, my skin is freakishly pale. It's just how I am, I don't actually avoid the sunlight. I would try giving you some more photos, because Meghan and I had a "high fashion" photoshoot, but lately technology has been malfunctioning around me, so I'll leave it at this.

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