Saturday, August 21, 2010

Encantada, Jesus.

I'm drinking a cup of tea, sitting in front of the computer screen in all of my purple-haired glory. My hair is now purple. I didn't even plan this.
A couple of things have happened recently. School started, I met a cute boy that I've barely talked to, my nephew needed surgery, I wrote a short story which I will share with you later, I dyed my hair purple, and I cleaned the entire bathroom. Fortunately, my nephew is doing well and should be recovering. I had to clean the entire bathroom tonight, and it was disgusting. Cleaning the bathroom wasn't even "punishment" for dyeing my hair purple, it's just what my mom had planned for my Saturday, I guess. My mom isn't a fan of coloring hair on the best of days, and she detests the purple. It's more of a purpleish red, and it's kind of pretty, but she hates it.
I'm not even in the two classes I really wanted to be in this year. I don't have art or Kansas History. I don't like history but I need to get that stupid class out of the way.
Insomnia is killer. These last two nights I've been doing ok on the sleep thing, but other times I've either been not sleeping or having horrible nightmares. The short story I wrote is actually based on one of my nightmares.
You know what makes me really mad? All of my favorite boys are going to college or the marines or whatever. There were a whole bunch of cute senior boys last year, one of whom even told me that he like me. One of my best guy friends is going into the marines. My older brother Hunter (the father), is going to college, and my other older brother Cameron is already there. A guy who is my brother of sorts in that he's Hunter's girlfriend's brother and pretty close to me has decided to go to college this year. Even some of my band camp boys are going to the army or the marines or college! But, I suppose everyone needs to move on with their lives.
My only consolation is that there's a cute new boy this year and he's a junior (only one grade ahead of me!). We even have a ton of classes together, including Bio II and Spanish and some others. He's sooooo quiet, though, it's hard to tell what he's thinking. However, he does appear to be an amazing artist and that makes me really happy. Also his hair is really adorable and I freaking love guys with awesome hair.

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