Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm No Superman

Insomnia has been laughing at my sanity lately. Not really, but the more tired I get, the loopier I am. It makes school difficult.
Also, we have a new English teacher at school. She's really funny and I enjoy her and for some reason she reminds me of Isabel from Hipster Musings? (which should be a link but again I'm not cool enough for that) only she's older and more teachery and doesn't always listen to angsty music and stuff. Basically, she isn't anything like Isabel but for some reason I always think of her anyways.
And, I don't want to wear out the subject, buuuuut the guy I have a crush on totally likes me back. He hasn't said so, but other people have told me so, and uhm he definitely acts as though he does. He buys me an Amp almost every morning because he knows I crave caffeine constantly and that I enjoy Amp. Plus, he's an amazing artist, and he drew me a really cool picture. That made me happy. :)
This is gonna be a short post becuase I have a piano lesson in approximately ten minutes and I don't really want to add pictures or type anything actually meaningful. So, there you have it.

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