Sunday, February 21, 2010


My Valentine's Day was not, in fact, spent doing Valentine-y things. Are you amazed? Because I'm certainly not. I was in Topeka, KS participating in CIA, which actually stands for Citizenship In Action. It was a 4-H event, and I got to pretend to be a member of the House of Representatives. I amended bills and debated whether certain bills should be passed or not. I also learned to swing dance. All in all, I felt like a nerd.
Now that it's the next weekend, you would think I would spend it in a relatively average relaxing manner, but that is not the case. I spent six hours yesterday arguing over the correct way to name and label different rocks, minerals, and fossils. I am not even kidding. It was the Kansas State 4-H Geology Action Group meeting, and I am now the vice chair of this group. I was kind of a celebrity there, though, because I am the only person in the state who does Lapidary. Lapidary is a section of Geology only you polish the rocks and make them shiny and pretty. All the people crowded around me and started telling me that they've seen my display and it was gorgeous, and ohhh, do you think you could show us your rocks? It was very weird.
I could write much more, but I have no time to do so....

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