Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pretty Girls Make Graves

I am home sick today. Bleh. But hey it means I'm not at school, which is a plus. It also means I should probably catch up on my English essay, do my math homework, and maybe learn my lines for the school play. This is not very likely, but it could happen.
Has anybody been listening to some good music lately? I am sadly feeling a lack of metal in my life. It is a little discouraging. Of course, I've started listening to a lot of trippy indie music, so that almost makes up for it. Today, I am listening to mostly Pretty Girls Make Graves and The Sounds, and both of them are really great bands. I wouldn't classify them as "indie" but then again, I don't really know exactly what counts as indie. Indie is can either be a genre or a term for a band that isn't signed. Don't ask me how this works.

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