Friday, June 4, 2010

Back Roads, Hot Sun, Country Music

Driver's ed is what you might call a major pain in the rear end. In fact, it really gets on my nerves. I do not appreciate getting up early and spending all day until nearly noon reading a pointless driving book about things I already know. However! I WILL appreciate being able to drive.

How is it that everytime you go somewhere besides the town that you live in, suddenly there are hot guys everywhere?

I've been listening to country music lately. For some reason, I'm getting this urge to drive down to Texas, go to downtown Austin and hang out in clubs with live punk/country shows every night wearing cowboy boots. Of course, I couldn't do that even if I had the time. My parents are quite strict. But country music is sort of helping with the whole Texas longing thing. Maybe cruising around in the country would be good, too.

My brother is 18 now! And my other brother will be 21 in three days. It's sort of exciting. But I'm jealous, I wish I could be 18. Then I really could just drive off to Texas. Or Vegas. Whatever.

There is a car show here in town. I was going to hang out with this one guy there but, uh, he hasn't texted me...? So I don't know what I'm going to do today. I might go look at the cars anyways, they're incredible. There are all of these tricked out trucks and cars and some nice old cars. If I figure out how, maybe I'll upload pics.

I'm a little late on the upkeep, but have you heard of Tavi Gevinson? She's an amazing teenage fashion blogger. Here is a link. Oh, wait. I can't figure out how to put links. Here is the site:

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