Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So I've recently cut off most of my hair. It's quite short. Anywho, I'm excited for the Fourth of July!
Also, Family Guy is always fun. Honestly, I haven't written in long in enough that I can't recall the chain of my thoughts. But today was so boring. I did nothing except for reread a book.
But! We got my brother enrolled in college. He will be going to K-State. When he wasn't around, though, the staff all thought I was enrolling, and they handed me the papers. It was sort of flattering, in a way. It's strange how when you're young it is a compliment to be perceived as older, but when you're older, all you want is to seem younger.

Monday, June 14, 2010

[Insert Witty Title]

"The sun hits the dirty, grungy asphalt just the right way, highlighting his eyes. As our gaze connects, a hot wind blows through the lot. It was fate. (Not really.) As we continue on our way, I can feel him looking, but not in a creeperish way. In an overly-dramatic teenage romance sort of way." Another little snippet I thought of about a boy in a Walmart parking lot.

I spent this weekend on a State 4-H Geology Field Trip. It was more fun than I had expected, although the rock collecting wasn't that great. The hotel room I stayed in had a jacuzzi, because the hotel had to upgrade our room. It was amazing.

Also, I was in a bookstore this weekend. A younger boy, probably around 10 years old, hit on me. We were just looking at books, and he says "Hey!" So of course, I reply, "Hello." He turns to me and says, "So... What author are you looking for?" And proceeds to chat me up. What a player.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Caffeine Buzz

Life is like coffee. Coffee tastes awful and you burn your mouth. But then you get a buzz (generally from caffeine, but you know, it depends on what you like in your coffee), and you realize that it is the most amazing thing ever.

In fact, if your coffee isn't biting hot and strong enough to give you intense headaches afterwards, why are you drinking it? Coffee is about starting your day off with something so awful that nothing else can be so bad. It's also about how you love it anyways, how you actually love the caffeine and/or sugar, and how it gives you a rush. I do love mochas, though, even if they are usually too sweet.

I hate blogs, in a way. No one really cares about what you do in your life; going to school, being a mother, whatever. Most people can't bring themselves to care about that. If I see a blog, and the first two entries don't have an interesting sentence (usually the first sentence) that catches my attention, I will not read it. Why would somebody want to read about your life? Most people don't even listen when you speak. So why would anybody read it?

Can anyone understand what Kurt Cobain is saying in "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana? I can't, but I love the song. It's amazing. Oh, and my brother, the 18 year old one, showed me this song called "Crown on the Ground" by Sleigh Bells. It's like, electronic, with a lot of distortion. It's pretty cool, but he said it sounded better when you listened to it in the car.

I will be an aunt this summer, soon.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Coffee Delivery Boys

"His luscious dark hair falls across one soulful, brooding eye. He steps up to their door and their gazes lock. Nonchalantly, he offers the coffee to her. With wordless communication, they exchange money, until finally, he says, "Here's your change," and he walks away." This would make me very happy if it would happen. I did, by the way, write that little snippet. I just thought I would put it in quotes anywho.

There is something about summer that just makes me want to wear sun dresses. The only sun dress I own is white and strapless. My mom does not approve of anything strapless. My older brothers tend to be very vocal on me "dressing like a whore." This is why I don't wear short shorts. Still, I know a lot of girls who hate wearing dresses. I can't help it... I like them. They're pretty. :)

"Every day is an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines." This is from Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel. I love them, but obviously they are missing something in life. There is always coffee. And sidewalk chalk.

Seriously, though, if somebody (preferably a really nice boy) came and delivered me coffee, I would love them forever. Oh, yeah, that boy I was supposed to see yesterday? He never texted me. I'm tired of texting him first. So it's time to pick a new boy to have long text conversations with.

My brother, the one that turned 18, is taking the Xbox 360 with him. I'm sad.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Back Roads, Hot Sun, Country Music

Driver's ed is what you might call a major pain in the rear end. In fact, it really gets on my nerves. I do not appreciate getting up early and spending all day until nearly noon reading a pointless driving book about things I already know. However! I WILL appreciate being able to drive.

How is it that everytime you go somewhere besides the town that you live in, suddenly there are hot guys everywhere?

I've been listening to country music lately. For some reason, I'm getting this urge to drive down to Texas, go to downtown Austin and hang out in clubs with live punk/country shows every night wearing cowboy boots. Of course, I couldn't do that even if I had the time. My parents are quite strict. But country music is sort of helping with the whole Texas longing thing. Maybe cruising around in the country would be good, too.

My brother is 18 now! And my other brother will be 21 in three days. It's sort of exciting. But I'm jealous, I wish I could be 18. Then I really could just drive off to Texas. Or Vegas. Whatever.

There is a car show here in town. I was going to hang out with this one guy there but, uh, he hasn't texted me...? So I don't know what I'm going to do today. I might go look at the cars anyways, they're incredible. There are all of these tricked out trucks and cars and some nice old cars. If I figure out how, maybe I'll upload pics.

I'm a little late on the upkeep, but have you heard of Tavi Gevinson? She's an amazing teenage fashion blogger. Here is a link. Oh, wait. I can't figure out how to put links. Here is the site:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mario Kart: Rainbow Road

I'm the kind of person who wants to write, but I'm like, "Write? Who, me? I don't have the time!" Well, guess what? I have the time now! Do you think I've written anything? Nope! You'll notice (if there's anybody reading, that is), that I also haven't written in my blog for a while. This is because.... It's summer! Woohoo!
Unfortunately, I have to go through driver's ed this summer. Boring. And it starts tomorrow.
I love summer. I even love that bored feeling you get because you don't have anything to do. In fact, I rarely get that bored feeling anyways. Sadly, I'm not one of those girls you see at the pool tanning, or at the lake. You see, I can't tan, and as a nerd girl, I tend to be reading BBC online or listening to bands I've never heard of. It's not that I can't go outside and sit in the sun. Oh, no, that isn't it at all. I am literally the whitest person in my town (it's a small town, so it's not that hard to figure out). I go outside, I burn, and then I'm white again.
I don't know of anyone who doesn't love Mario Kart. Rainbow Road is my favorite track. They had that on the old Nintendo 64 version, too, and it was my favorite then. It doesn't matter that I almost always fall off at least nine times, I still love it.
I need coffee.