Monday, May 10, 2010

"The Tide Is High But I'm Holdin' On!"

On Sunday I had a piano recital. My friend that I was telling you about, Sarah, who used to help me with piano back in the day, was there. I was happy. I wore this little white dress I bought while I was at state speech and oh I know you don't care but it did make me happy! Anywho, I played Ivan Is Very Busy, by Katchaturian or however you spell his name. I did decently, I messed up on an easy part in the beginning, though, and that really bothered me. One of my friends played Bohemian Rhapsody. That is a major win for life.
I had a bio project due today. I stayed up so late writing my report last night... I really ought to do things sooner instead of procrastinate, but that's sort of what I do. I also went to TFC on Sunday. TFC stand for Teens For Christ. Honestly, it's not really my thing, I'm more into religion being sort of a personal thing, but whatever. My motives for going were not altruistic, however. One of my girl friends met this REALLY hot guy. I know, I know, this makes me a bad person, but we went to invite him and he came to TFC and wow was he hot. Think Taylor Lautner (Jacob off of Twilight series) only 16 and shorter with really blue eyes. Enough of my girlish rantings, though.
The title is from an old Blondies song called The Tide is High. If you're about my age, and a girl, you would recognize the song from the Lizzie McGuire movie as well. Do you remember Lizzie McGuire? She was played by Hilary Duff. I used to practically idolize Hilary Duff. I still listen to her CDs sometimes, just to reminisce.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


So pretty much this is how it goes: stop hoping because you will be disappointed. Don't dream too much because reality sucks that much more. Expectations will leave you hurt and tears won't help anything. So enjoy the small things, the little victories, the times when your pessimism is for nothing. Smile when something goes right, laugh at yourself (and others because they're pretty funny), and when you realize that life does actually suck, you can smile at yourself, because you were right. :)
It turns out that the above paragraph is too long for a Facebook status. But it was just so perfectly depressing that I had to keep it somehow! Anywho I had a piano recital today. It was nice. More later, if you care to read.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

They Make Designer Eyepatches

Ok, so I actually have more to write, and poetry if you care to read it. I've been looking at eyepatches because the surgery my brother had was on his eye and he will be needing to wear one. So I was texting one of my friends just recently about this girl who was texting her boyfriend and flirting with him. I told her that wasn't cool, and her reply? "I mean I stole him from her a year and a half ago. Fair and square like. :)" I love my friends. Anywho, poetry.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I have a crush,
but not on you.

And the next one...

I'm in love, and I won't tell who.
I'm in love, but it's sure not with you!

Like I said, I'm not good with romantic poetry. This next one is kind of serious, though.

He says he's got his own cigarettes
excited as Barbie with a new corvette
All I wanna say
is you're smoking your life away
I want to look in his gorgeous eyes
Already touched with pain, hurt, and lies
And ask why you're smoking your life away?
I could just stop and stare
But I don't wanna look through smokey air
He says he's got his own weed
His mouth smiles but I see his eyes plead
All I wanna say
is you're smoking your life away
Does it help you cope, help your brain fry?
Or does it just make it easier to lay down and die?
I have to ask, why are you smoking your life away?
Your eyes are glossed with a dopey sheen
As you look back through your smokescreen.

It sort of ends abruptly, so maybe it's not done. Anywho, smoking doesn't really bother me, I was just worried when I wrote it. I tend to worry frequently.
Among these designer eyepatches are not only rainbow patches, but also dinosaur patches. I think I may need to get some.

Yeah, So...

The cheerleading thing never happened. Honestly, I was going to give it a go, but then I found out my brother needed surgery. I tend to get upset easily and I happen to be rather fond of my brother, so this worried me. I wasn't ready to get up early and be peppy and cheery and face the world while worrying my brains out about him. He had his surgery today, though, and he should be all right. At least I'm hoping so. And really, cheerleading? Nuh-uh.
My friend and I bought these foam swords. We have been dueling fiercely after school for the last two days, and today they started breaking. Fortunately, being the brilliant people we are, we searched out the duct tape. Not only did we find the Duck brand duct tape, we also found the Gorilla tape. We mixed species today for completely epic samauri swords. Sadly, the swords started hurting a lot more once they were covered in tape.
As for the title, I couldn't think of anything particularly witty or music-related today. Yeah, so... That's my post.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"I Used to Be Love Drunk..."

"I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover, I loved you forever, forever is over..." This is from Love Drunk by Boys Like Girls. I happen to rather love this song, and I do seem to like Boys Like Girls.
I went to state speech this last weekend! I was in Festival, not Champs, because well you see I am not quite that good at speech. But it was ok, it was a ton of fun and I did pretty well! It was exciting. And we got to go shopping on the way there! Yay! :) I'm sorry. I just can't get rid of my girlish tendencies, and I <3>boyfriend," in what was a rather possessive tone. It was just the possessive-ness that made me laugh. Jealous girls are funny. He was so cute though...
Can you imagine me, in black eyeliner and a Slipknot shirt going down to the office to pick up a cheerleading form? Well I did. I don't think I'm going to do it. If I do, I'll have to be at school at 6:15 in the morning tomorrow. Not cool.