Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Pokemon Bring All the Nerds To The Yard

"My Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard. They're like, you wanna trade cards? Darn right I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this but not my Charizard!" I give credit to Facebook for that little rhyme. I don't know who thought it up but it's genius. :) (If you still don't understand the joke then you fail.)
Anywho, I was thinking about Pokemon because this weekend, my school band went on a trip! Oh, my freaking goodness it was amazing. Our band is really small, because our school is really small, so I think there were 18 people not including adults. On the way up, we stopped at a gas station and they sold Pokemon cards and I just FREAKED. I bought a new pack of cards for the first time in like, ever. I actually bought two. It was great.
I also saw my first baseball game! It was Kansas City Royals against Boston Red Sox. The Royals lost, obviously, although I don't really care. Baseball isn't my thing, exactly. ANNNND, I saw this amazing band called Stomp. They were a trash can band, so they were like drumming on trash cans and clapping and using brooms and wow it was just so incredible. The whole performance was intense. It's much cooler than I'm probably making it sound. The whole trip was just awesome.
I have prom next weekend! Exciting, I know. Well, I'm excited. As in, SUPER EXCITED!!! I was one of those girls who dreamed about prom since I was little, and I would spend hours looking through prom dress magazines, dreaming about the perfect prom dress.
You know how I said I was reading "Kissed By An Angel?" or some book like that? Well, I didn't. I read the Hobbit, and then I think some other book, and now I just read two new books. The first book was called "Serious Kiss" and the second one was titled "The Three Juvies." I don't know who they're by, but the author of "The Three Juvies" also wrote the book "Schooled."
Oh! The school play just showed Friday and Saturday, and guess what? I'm in it! It was a murder mystery play, only there were alternate endings. It sounds weird, but after the first act, the audience votes on who they think murdered the victim, and whichever character gets the most votes determines the ending. I was the murderer Saturday! It was so much fun, and kind of nerve-wracking. By Saturday, the whole cast didn't care as much, and we were just doing little funny things and we didn't care if the audience caught on. It was a great weekend, to say the least.

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