Thursday, April 22, 2010

I So Totally Went to That Prom

So... Um... I WENT TO PROM AND IT WAS AWESOME! Thought I'd clear that up, and more on prom later.
"I feel terrible when I let you down. And I let you down every single time, so maybe you ought to suck it up." Thanks to A Softer World (another one of those webcomics I read) for that quote.
You can't let other people decide whether or not you have a good day. You can't depend on other people for your happiness. You have to let it go and make the most of what you have, no matter what it is. And when you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose, so go for it, whatever it is. It's scary, but you have to let go. I'm not saying that if you're hurt, you have no reason to feel the way you feel. By all means, feel whatever it is that you need to feel. But once you realize that it was a while ago, and yes it was a big deal, whatever you did about it has been done. Even if you just cried about it or wrote some really awful emo poetry, it happened. Give it up and move on.
Everyone has a friend (or should) who listens to all the music no one has heard of, hears the popular songs right before they become popular, and always knows what bands you're talking about. (I was just texted saying tomorrow is National Hug Day! Make sure you hug someone!) This, of course, is not me. However, I do have a friend like that, and he is always leaving random mix CD's around my house. They are always stellar; unfortunately, I never know what the bands are or what the songs are called until I get around to asking him.
Ok, so prom was fantastic. I was so worried, and so anxious... I mean, what if I like got barfed on and then died, or velociraptors attacked and no one had a plan but me? That would be disappointing. So I was so relieved when I realized everything was going great and seemed to be staying great. Actually, I was ecstatic. It was so much fun. They didn't even have a theme! They just decorated. And the after-prom was pretty cool. I learned how to play poker. No, scratch that, I learned how to fail miserably at poker. It was still great. Anyways, I just had this little bit of dread and nervousness that comes with forever being disappointed. So not only was I happy because the prom itself was awesome, but because I didn't have any reason to be so nervous! It was nice, the not worrying.
Have fun everyone! More exciting things will be happening, I'm sure.

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