Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Talked To a Hippy and It Made My Day

You know, there is a reason why people say that love is a drug. Your brain releases different chemicals when you see that certain person, and those chemicals make you feel good, and this is what love is. I mean, that's what love is from a very non-romantic, un-idealist, and basic chemical level. But your body likes these endorphins and hormones and chemicals, because it feels nice. So when you aren't with that person anymore, you don't get anymore chemicals, and it doesn't feel nearly as nice. In fact, it feels pretty bad. After feeling all happy with your endorphins and such, without them you feel crappy. So love is literally just like any other addictive drug, and just as destructive. After all, have you ever read "Romeo and Juliet" or basically any other tragedy? (So you know, Romeo and Juliet both are miserable through almost the whole play and then kill themselves. Just a thought.)
Somebody once said "Don't have regrets because at some point what you did was exactly what you wanted to do," or something like that.
Have you noticed that a group of people will always walk in front of you slowly when you're irritated or in a hurry? I tend to be a slow walker, I won't deny that. But in general I try to make sure I don't take up the whole freaking hallway/staircase/building. Normally, a small group of slow-walkers doesn't even bother me that much, especially not if there is some room to get around them. But I swear, I was in a hurry and she said something that made me want to snap and holy crap I almost took her out right there. Like I said, though, I was in a hurry. And I may have been overreacting a smidge.
I participated in an art show last weekend. One of my photographs got a "Judge's Merit Award" or something. Also, my mother entered a photo I took, for some reason. It ended up getting like first place or something. They have the best food at that art show thing.
I have a piece of advice (coming from yours truly, since I'm probably the reason this needs to be said). Never trust your boyfriend with a girl he met at band camp.

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