Monday, July 26, 2010

Hips Like Cinderella

So*, if you'd read my previous post, you would pretty much think that New Orleans was just about seeing Remedy Drive and they're super hot band members. That certainly was the most exciting part, but I really appreciated how it was religious and they tried to promote being a good person and such. A lot of Christians forget that while they're being Christian it's important to be a good person too.

Ok! I'm totally going to try this whole "adding pictures to my blog" thing. Let's see...

Omg, it's my face! That would be my youth group shirt, and it has a flaming Jesus fish on it.

Ok, ya, so obviously I'm having a hard time with the whole picture thing. This was my totally awesome picture of the lead singer of Remedy Drive! I was amazed that I got a picture that was in focus at their shows... I was bouncing up and down and pretty much freaking out in general.
I will add more pictures later, presumably when I've figured it out better!
Designing clothes is sort of one of my "passions" so to speak. I may not be very good at it but I definitely enjoy it. Since I am in sewing in 4-H (ugh, actually sewing is a drag), I designed a skirt for my project. It is super cute and I've finally finished sewing it! Unfortunately I have absolutely no piece of clothing that really matches it. This is where I dramatically sigh but secretly hope I get to go on a shopping trip sometime.
I have totally been listening to Pixies nonstop. I love the song "Allison" by them, for some reason it just makes me so happy. Also, in other news, my brother Hunter, the one with the baby, started following my blog, mostly because he started his own blog and was all excited to tell me about it.
*Ignore the fact that the S is blue. I can't figure it out either. At least it's blue while I'm typing this.

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