Thursday, July 22, 2010

We Could Hold Hands and Talk About Jesus In My Hotel Room

I never realized this before, but frog legs taste like a mix between chicken and fish, and they're kind of slimy and gross. Don't let this deter you from trying them, though!

As to where I was eating frog legs, I went to New Orleans! Unfortunately, I did not get to hit up Bourbon Street. I was sort of excited about that and it didn't happen. It probably didn't happen because I went there with my church group for a Lutheran gathering. The trip was so insane!

Normally I am not a fan of Christian rock. Let's face it, most of it sucks. But! We went to see this one band (three times actually), and they were awesome. They were called Remedy Drive and from the moment they stepped on the stage I fell in love. Not only are they all super hot (eep!), they can also play really, really well. The last show we went to was at my groups hotel, and when the crowd started jumping, the floor bounced. I'm serious. They even called in more security. Then, the (insanely attractive, sadly married) lead singer says "I'm going to take this photographer girl's camera and take a picture of the crowd" and guess what? I was that girl! It probably helped that I was in the front row, right in front of him. So I'm freakin' out and he grabs my camera and takes the picture. Then he leans over, looks me in the eyes, and says, "Please e-mail this to me at!" while giving my shoulder this awesome gentle squeeze. I was thinking, "Boy, I'd go to freaking heaven and back to give you this picture" but I just swooned a little and said, "I will!" I was in love. Fangirl love. The bassist was definitely the most attractive but my favorite was always the singer.

Also, there was an anime convention going on while I was there. I was so jealous that I didn't get to do any convention stuff! But I took some pictures with some of the anime nerds (aninerds? animerds?) and even talked to a couple. My youth group did not approve, but that's fine.

I ate alligator!

Anywho, when I came back from New Orleans, I got to see my nephew for the first time. He was so adorable I was practically crying. I couldn't be prouder of my brother for stepping up and being a dad. Oh, my gosh I'm an aunt!! Woo!

Sometimes it seems like life is lacking inspiration. When I feel that way I tend to listen to a lot of music and read fashion blogs. I love Tavi Gevinson's The Style Rookie, and I just recently found another one I enjoy called Hipster Musings. As nerdy as I am, I still love fashion!

I will upload pics of everything as soon as I figure out how! :)

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