Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Slender in a Fat Way

Weird Al will be playing in Wichita July 13. Unfortunately, because I have strict parents and all sorts of other complications, I can't go see him. If you don't know who Weird Al is, you really ought to Google him or look him up on Youtube or something, because he's hilarious.

Now, a list:

1. Don't stab yourself with the seam ripper.

2. Don't stab yourself with the scissors.

3. Try not to stab yourself with anything, really.

4. Do not sew your fingers, hair, or other body parts.

5. If you don't know what kind of seam you're sewing, ask.

6. All damage is probably repare-able. If it isn't, well, you're screwed.

7. If you don't have extra fabric, don't mess up.

That is my all-inclusive, comprehensive list of sewing rules. Just call it "Sewing for Nerds" or something. I'm in 4-H and one of my projects is sewing. I love clothes, which is helpful, and this time around I'm doing my own design for a skirt. I designed not only the concept, but the pattern as well. Fortunately, I love designing. I just hate it when I get all into it and then I realize that I hate sewing.
For some reason, I've still been listening to a lot of country music. Maybe just because it's summer. Anywho, there are these girls called the JaneDear Girls, and they're very good. (Their name is a take-off on the John Deer brand of tractors.)
Another good song is Grey Stables by Iron and Wine.
Don't sneak into swimming pools. Even if it's public property, it's still breaking and entering if the building is locked.

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