Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Talked To a Hippy and It Made My Day

You know, there is a reason why people say that love is a drug. Your brain releases different chemicals when you see that certain person, and those chemicals make you feel good, and this is what love is. I mean, that's what love is from a very non-romantic, un-idealist, and basic chemical level. But your body likes these endorphins and hormones and chemicals, because it feels nice. So when you aren't with that person anymore, you don't get anymore chemicals, and it doesn't feel nearly as nice. In fact, it feels pretty bad. After feeling all happy with your endorphins and such, without them you feel crappy. So love is literally just like any other addictive drug, and just as destructive. After all, have you ever read "Romeo and Juliet" or basically any other tragedy? (So you know, Romeo and Juliet both are miserable through almost the whole play and then kill themselves. Just a thought.)
Somebody once said "Don't have regrets because at some point what you did was exactly what you wanted to do," or something like that.
Have you noticed that a group of people will always walk in front of you slowly when you're irritated or in a hurry? I tend to be a slow walker, I won't deny that. But in general I try to make sure I don't take up the whole freaking hallway/staircase/building. Normally, a small group of slow-walkers doesn't even bother me that much, especially not if there is some room to get around them. But I swear, I was in a hurry and she said something that made me want to snap and holy crap I almost took her out right there. Like I said, though, I was in a hurry. And I may have been overreacting a smidge.
I participated in an art show last weekend. One of my photographs got a "Judge's Merit Award" or something. Also, my mother entered a photo I took, for some reason. It ended up getting like first place or something. They have the best food at that art show thing.
I have a piece of advice (coming from yours truly, since I'm probably the reason this needs to be said). Never trust your boyfriend with a girl he met at band camp.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Life is So Awkward

I think it's strange how my brother has my Katy Perry album and I have his Disturbed/Metallica/System of a Down mix CD.
I have been listening to My Chemical Romance a lot lately. Now, don't give me any of this "emo" crap, because I've heard it all before. Shut up. I just happen to like their music and maybe think Gerard Way is cute... But no seriously, I love some of their songs, and over the summer I would always listen to them.
Today in my school was Wade Day! There is a senior in my school who is one of the coolest people ever, and his name is Wade. He has also been diagnosed with leukemia. We all wore purple shirts that say Wade Warrior and there was a penny war between the classes and the pep band played in an assembly for him. Yes I am in the pep band. The pennies are all being donated to a leukemia cause, and I think we raised over $1,000.
For some reason, I love salt and vinegar chips. I hate vinegar, and I hate anything vinegar-y. I don't even really like salt and vinegar chips. I just love eating them, somehow. I happen to know they are disgusting and will still gladly eat half the bag.
"I do believe that lady was attempting to hit on you." "Meh. Could you grab me a fresh napkin? This one's got phone number all over it." This quote is from today's Questionable Content comic; it was hilarious! Go to their website and read it it is teh lolzors! (I never say that in real life, so you know.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I So Totally Went to That Prom

So... Um... I WENT TO PROM AND IT WAS AWESOME! Thought I'd clear that up, and more on prom later.
"I feel terrible when I let you down. And I let you down every single time, so maybe you ought to suck it up." Thanks to A Softer World (another one of those webcomics I read) for that quote.
You can't let other people decide whether or not you have a good day. You can't depend on other people for your happiness. You have to let it go and make the most of what you have, no matter what it is. And when you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose, so go for it, whatever it is. It's scary, but you have to let go. I'm not saying that if you're hurt, you have no reason to feel the way you feel. By all means, feel whatever it is that you need to feel. But once you realize that it was a while ago, and yes it was a big deal, whatever you did about it has been done. Even if you just cried about it or wrote some really awful emo poetry, it happened. Give it up and move on.
Everyone has a friend (or should) who listens to all the music no one has heard of, hears the popular songs right before they become popular, and always knows what bands you're talking about. (I was just texted saying tomorrow is National Hug Day! Make sure you hug someone!) This, of course, is not me. However, I do have a friend like that, and he is always leaving random mix CD's around my house. They are always stellar; unfortunately, I never know what the bands are or what the songs are called until I get around to asking him.
Ok, so prom was fantastic. I was so worried, and so anxious... I mean, what if I like got barfed on and then died, or velociraptors attacked and no one had a plan but me? That would be disappointing. So I was so relieved when I realized everything was going great and seemed to be staying great. Actually, I was ecstatic. It was so much fun. They didn't even have a theme! They just decorated. And the after-prom was pretty cool. I learned how to play poker. No, scratch that, I learned how to fail miserably at poker. It was still great. Anyways, I just had this little bit of dread and nervousness that comes with forever being disappointed. So not only was I happy because the prom itself was awesome, but because I didn't have any reason to be so nervous! It was nice, the not worrying.
Have fun everyone! More exciting things will be happening, I'm sure.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Pokemon Bring All the Nerds To The Yard

"My Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard. They're like, you wanna trade cards? Darn right I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this but not my Charizard!" I give credit to Facebook for that little rhyme. I don't know who thought it up but it's genius. :) (If you still don't understand the joke then you fail.)
Anywho, I was thinking about Pokemon because this weekend, my school band went on a trip! Oh, my freaking goodness it was amazing. Our band is really small, because our school is really small, so I think there were 18 people not including adults. On the way up, we stopped at a gas station and they sold Pokemon cards and I just FREAKED. I bought a new pack of cards for the first time in like, ever. I actually bought two. It was great.
I also saw my first baseball game! It was Kansas City Royals against Boston Red Sox. The Royals lost, obviously, although I don't really care. Baseball isn't my thing, exactly. ANNNND, I saw this amazing band called Stomp. They were a trash can band, so they were like drumming on trash cans and clapping and using brooms and wow it was just so incredible. The whole performance was intense. It's much cooler than I'm probably making it sound. The whole trip was just awesome.
I have prom next weekend! Exciting, I know. Well, I'm excited. As in, SUPER EXCITED!!! I was one of those girls who dreamed about prom since I was little, and I would spend hours looking through prom dress magazines, dreaming about the perfect prom dress.
You know how I said I was reading "Kissed By An Angel?" or some book like that? Well, I didn't. I read the Hobbit, and then I think some other book, and now I just read two new books. The first book was called "Serious Kiss" and the second one was titled "The Three Juvies." I don't know who they're by, but the author of "The Three Juvies" also wrote the book "Schooled."
Oh! The school play just showed Friday and Saturday, and guess what? I'm in it! It was a murder mystery play, only there were alternate endings. It sounds weird, but after the first act, the audience votes on who they think murdered the victim, and whichever character gets the most votes determines the ending. I was the murderer Saturday! It was so much fun, and kind of nerve-wracking. By Saturday, the whole cast didn't care as much, and we were just doing little funny things and we didn't care if the audience caught on. It was a great weekend, to say the least.