Thursday, August 11, 2011

You Part the Waters

Here are the not-terribly-blurry pictures from the stellar clothes at the museum I visited in Wisconsin. I can't promise that the quality is perfect, as it was very dimly lit except right on the displays behind the glass panels, but here it is!

This last little picture was actually taken at the "general store" at the museum but I liked it an awful lot.
I realize this post isn't that interesting unless you like looking at blurry pics of old clothes. But I thought I'd share anyways. :) Anyways, Meghan and I had tea a while back while wearing ridiculous clothes. I didn't get a picture then, but I'll recreate it because it was pretty nice.
More sometime later!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pretty Much Everything Is Awesome

Wisconsin is awesome. Canada is awesome. Life is awesome. Most imp
ortantly, I'M awesome (as if you needed told).
Let me force you to look at some pictures of why I love Wisconsin. I even love it more than Canada, although I wasn't in Canada for long, so I can't really judge.

Firstly, there are the cheese houses. I love cheese, and Wisconsin undoubtedly has the best cheeses in the U.S. I went to one other cheese house, but I couldn't find the picture.

We also went to the local museum that my uncle, in whose house my parents and I were staying, volunteers. I thought it would be something like my town's museum, which is nice and interesting and your average local museum... And I was so wrong. There were dozens of buildings, all well-put together, well-displayed, and had incredible pieces with in-depth descriptions. It was amazing! I took pictures of everything, especially the old clothes. Maybe I'll make a post of some more of it sometime? But anyways it was awesome!
This is one of a whole bunch of cheesy sunset pictures I took. They're all vaguely pretty and cheesy, and not really that good. But I took them off the roof of my uncle's house, and being up there was one of the most relaxing parts of vacationing in Wisconsin. I always end up on the roofs of buildings, which is so weird since I'm terribly afraid of heights.

Also, Canada was intense and exciting in its own ways! I loved seeing the little maple leaf on the McDonald's arches, and hearing people say "eh". The real purpose of going up to Canada, though, was to collect amethysts. I collected the crap out of those minerals! Haha but no seriously I really did. At the first mine we went to, it started raining. I collected amethysts in the pouring Canadian rain. Don't even try to tell me that your life is as epic as mine.

Anywho, this vacation was actually a long time ago, I was just too lazy to update. Other things have happened since then! Exciting things! I finished sewing the dress I designed, and it looks amazing. I haven't worn it yet but I have a place to wear it to, and I'm happy. Also I suddenly became the owner of a boyfriend? Weird how that happens. It's something that never would have occurred if it hadn't been summer. He said he wanted to date me, and I decided I'd let him. However, I do actually like him, it wasn't TOTALLY random.

Just some closing thoughts... I'm not ready for school to start. At all. I adore summer. Also, this year I'm hoping to get good grades. I also wanna practice french horn and piano more, and get better at sleeping.