Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Wish You Were My Math Book

I wish you were my math book so I could slam you down on the table and do you all night long. Haha! I've been on a nerdy pick up line kick for the last couple of months. I once had an entire mildly racy text conversation using only Pokemon moves. Yeah. That's how cool I am. The boy I was texting? Logan, of course!
It turns out he had a girlfriend. Had, of course... that word is in the past tense for a very good reason. Now, I can't claim that I was the one who caused the break-up, because I wasn't. His girlfriend broke up with him sort of arbitrarily, and I am the sweet friend who's there for him while he picks up the pieces of his shattered heart. (Don't begrudge me my melodramatic tendencies, I'm ill. I can do what I want.)
Anyways, enough crush ramblings. It's time to make a confession. Truly, honestly, in my very heart of very hearts, deep down in my soul, I've always wanted to have a fashion blog. Don't laugh! (I'm addressing imaginary readers here, but whatever.) Clothes aren't just clothes to me, it's like putting on a whole new personality when I get tired of my old one. It's like subtle social commentary for the highly observant. Clothes, style, and fashion all represents not just the individual but also society as a whole, whether or not you think you're rebelling against the current norm or instead, enforcing it. It all ends up as just part of a larger idea, the ideas that are permeating the general public and those who think themselves beyond the general public. Clothes are an art form for the aesthetically inclined, architecture for your body, sculptures that you can wear.
Unfortunately, I have little to no access to so-called "high fashion" except through the interwebz, I have poor technology skills and also very little patience for uploading photos, and a tendency to misplace my family's good digital camera.
On a different note, I've started reading Hemingway. I've started with "A Movable Feast" and I fully intend to read the rest of the books we've had collecting dust in our basement for quite some time. I notice that often when reading a particularly influential author's works, I find myself emulating their language and/or writing style slightly, so I apologize for any supernaturally long sentences. I'll get over it soon enough, I'm just very impressionable and I read too much. :P
But actually, I have science to back up that whole emulation of writing styles and whatnot. It turns out, people who have similar speaking styles and subconscious sentence structure tend to have better relationships. I'm not sure if they started out speaking similarly or if two people will speak more like the other person they're with over time, but the latter holds true even if they didn't have similar speech patterns in the beginning. The article I read about this went on to talk about how when a person gets into a book, the person will sometimes alter their speech or writing slightly to match the author's style. I wish I had a link to that article, but I don't, and I can't even remember on what website I read it. Anyways, I thought it was interesting!
A couple more nerdy inappropriate things: I wish I was your derivitave so I could lie tangent to your curves. Subdication leads to orogeny, let's go make the bedrock.
Oh, and speaking of pick-up lines and such, today an old man came up to me as my father and I were leaving the drugstore. He says to me, "So is this how blondes have more fun?" We live in a small town, so it's not entirely strange for an old person to start talking to me. I laugh in my desecrated sore throat type of way, and say "You bet!"
And as I was throwing away some trash he says, "I have one more question." "Yes?" "What do you call a pretty blonde girl?" I of course, don't know, and say as much. "You!" he replies enthusiastically. It made me smile.
I'm lazy and will possibly post pictures later!